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The Billericay School

April 2024
A Level Languages - Speaking Exams
May 2024
A Level exam period starts Wednesday 8th May - individual timetables issued via MYEd
June 2024
Year 12 UCAS & Degree Apprenticeship Superfair Trip
Year 12 End of Year Assessments - Start 17th June
Year 13 Leavers Assembly - 26th June 
July 2024
Sixth Form Taster Day for all Year 11 applicants - 1st July (8.30 am - 1 pm approx)
Year 12 Three Peaks Challenge - Thursday 4th July to Saturday 6th July
Year 13 Leavers Prom - Friday 5th July
Year 12 Work Experience week - 15th July to 19th July
Year 13 & Y12 Borneo Expedition - 20th July
August 2024
A Level Results Day - Thursday 15th 
Year 12 & 13 Return from Borneo Expedition
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 22nd August
September 2024
Monday 2nd September 2pm - External Year 12  - 2pm
Tuesday 3rd September - Whole Year 12 enrolment  - 10am
Wednesday 4th September - Y12 Induction Day - 8.30am. Year 13 - 8.30am start with Form Tutor.
Thursday 5th September - Y12 Induction Day - 8.30am. Year 13 - normal timetables resume.
Friday 6th September - Y12 & Y13 both on timetable.